A friendly running club based in Cirencester!

Short Stuff Specialist 2019 update – Round 4

Sunday 23rd June saw the 4th round the of the short stuff specialist championship – the David Macnamee 10km. 7 Men, and 11 ladies competed on a sunny Sunday morning. The conditions were tough, but there was some excellent running.

Men’s Competition

David Witnall continues to dominate the short stuff championship, picking up the 10 points, followed by Mark Garrett for the 9th. A strong run by Dave Daniels in his first short stuff race of the year saw him picking up the 8 points. There has been change in the top 3, but it is still very close.

  1. David Witnall – 30 points
  2. Mark Garrett – 25 points
  3. Ben Chapman – 20 points

Ladies Competition

Another strong run by Rosie Oates saw her collect another 10 points. She was followed by Sharon Smith and Ellie Taylor for 9 and 8 points respectively.

  1. Sharon Smith – 36 points
  2. Rosie Oates – 30 points
  3. Ellie Taylor – 26 points

Short Stuff Specialist – Round 3 Update

The 3rd race in the Shorts Stuff specialist Championship was on our doorstep at the Cirencester Summer Sizzler. An impressive turnout from the club saw 13 Men and 24 Ladies compete! Some excellent running by all.

Men’s Competition

First in for the Men was Dave Witnall picking up the 10 points. Next in was Ollie Hazel for the 9, with Mark Manley picking up 8 points as 3rd man home.

Overall standings so far:

  1. David Witnall 20 points
  2. Mark Manley 17 points
  3. Mark Garrett 16 points

It’s a close competition, with Ben and Gareth not far behind.

Ladies Competition

Rosie Oates stormed home for the 10 points in a very impressive run (and a PB!). A close battle at the end of the race saw Ellie pick up the 9 points, with Sharon picking up 8.

Overall standings so far:

  1. Sharon Smith 27 points
  2. Rosie Oates 20 points
  3. Ellie Taylor 18 points

Sharon has a race in hand, but Rosie and Ellie are close behind. It’s going to be an exciting competition.

Great racing all, the next short stuff specialist race is the Dave Mcnamee 10km. Happy Racing!

RSE Race Report – Sunday 16th June 2019

Summer Sizzler

The Cirencester Park Summer Sizzler 10k race took place exclusively within the estate of Cirencester Park on a wet and cold Wednesday 12th June . The course which is surprisingly described as flat went through scenic parkland by kind permission of the Bathurst Estate. This was the third race in the club short stuff specialist category which resulted in a great turnout of RSE runners and spectators.

First in for RSE was Dave Witnall who finished in a time of 38:35. He was followed by;

Ollie Hazel – 40:45

Mark Manley – 40:51

Mark Garrett – 43:19

Richard Hobbs – 43:59

Ben Chapman – 45:04

Rosie Oates – 46:08 setting a new PB by over 2 minutes.

Ellie Taylor – 47:21

Sharon Smith – 47:24 and 1st FV65

Gareth Roberts – 48:12

Elliott Gardiner – 49:07

Kirsty Pitts – 49:03

Rochelle Ravenscroft – 49:37

Jon Collins – 49:55

Jo Beames – 50:04

Steve Sandercock – 50-24

Jo Wood – 51:37

Martin Pitts – 51:37

Cheri Edwards – 51:50

Linda Edwards – 51:57

Laura Lucking -51:43

Amanda Tyler -52:55

Rachel Anley – 53:37

Istvan Vegh – 53:39

Vicki Mason – 54:34

Ryo Taylor – 54:59

Cathy Steer – 56:19 setting a new PB

Liz Farooq – 56:39

Amanda Haines – 58:35 setting a new PB

Manda Taylor – 59:33 setting a new PB and her first sub 1 hour 10k

Kate Sedgwick – 1:03:34

Jane Odell – 1:03:38

Pauline Tilbury – 1:07:18

Caroline Joynes-Creed – 1:11:32

Caroline Sandercock – 1:12:44

Kay Thompson – 1:17:17

Nadine Brown – no finish time due to selflessly stopping to help another distressed runner.

Hope 24

Hope 24 was a special event located on a private estate in Plympton. The event which took place over Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th June provided a friendly atmosphere for runners to get together and challenge themselves to achieve their own targets. Based on a 5-mile trail course in this stunning estate, the event was open to solo runners or teams of 2-8, over a 24 hour period.

RSE entered 2 teams in the event.

Team 1 which was named Still Running Somewhere Else consisted of Dave Witnall, Elaine Chapman, Ben Chapman, Sandie Wood, Ellie Taylor and Martin Sheriff. The team managed an incredible 160 miles in the 24 hours coming 1st in the large mixed team category.

Team 2 which was named Always Running Somewhere Else consisted of Amelia Culshaw, Nick “Animal” Duncan, Emma Hine, Steve Phelps, Amanda Tyler, Richard Marshall and Dave Whitlow were not far behind completing 155 miles and coming 2nd in the large mixed team category.

Taking part in the solo event was Gareth Roberts who completed a total of 85 miles putting him in 2nd place in the solo male category. Outstanding effort.

Also completing the solo event was Ryo Taylor who completed an incredible 50 miles.

In addition there were also two children’s races that took place on the morning of the Saturday, and a single lap 5 mile version for those that find the thought of 24 hours to daunting.

Hope 2.4 k runners

Bourton Hilly Half

The new Bourton Hilly Half took place on Sunday 16th June. The old half marathon route was revamped to still include the classic ‘Steeps’ climb, but as a two lap course giving runners a chance to enjoy more of Bourton on the Water. The half marathon was part of the Gloucester AAA 2019 Road Racing Series and incorporated the Gloucestershire County Half Marathon championships.

Representing RSE was Sharon Smith who completed the race in 1:51:23. She also came first her age category receiving a AAA Gold Medal. She was followed by;

Kevin Joynes-Creed who completed the race in 1:57:14.

Great effort both of you.

Broad Town 5

The Broad Town 5 mile race was run on Saturday 15th June in conjunction with Broad Town School Fete. The race was a single 5 mile lap on country lanes which are very well marshaled, starting at Broad Town School, Wiltshire and was also race number 4 of The Wiltshire Athletics Road Race League.

Representing RSE was Pauline Tilbury who completed the race in an unofficial time of 53 minutes. Pauline recommended this run stating that there was a lot of support from local running clubs who waited to cheer in the slower runners.

Well done Pauline

Cheltenham Half Marathon Challenge

The Cheltenham Half Marathon Challenge took place on Sunday 16th June. The race presented a tough challenge for experienced distance runners as well as a rewarding route for walkers.

The course was a multi-terrain and wet and at times hilly 13.1 mile route using public footpaths and sections of the Cheltenham Circular Footpath, Cotswold Way and Winchcombe Way.

Representing RSE was Andy Masser who finished in a time of 1:55:27.

Great running from Andy

Cirencester Park Run

Amanda McIlroy – 36:02

Plymvalley Park Run

Dave Witnall – 20:44

Tetbury Goods Shed Park Run

Jon Collins – 35:47